Equator Line - Mitad del Mundo



The Equator Line or Mitad del Mundo is the most important landmark in South America. We will drive north about 20 km, passing the picturesque village of Pomasqui, arriving to the monument where the 18th century geologist expedition located the Equator. A visit to the ethnological museum and other representative places are included in this 3 hour trip.

The Equator is an imaginary line that divides the planet into two hemispheres, it was established by the Geodesic French expedition of 1734 and now days are one of the tourist icons in Quito’s area. The monument hold in its interior an ethnological museum and few meters from here you will visit the Inti Ñan museum where you will witness amazing water behavior by flushing at the Equator.

Upon request this visit may be combined with a morning city tour, For further info or bookings feel free and contact us at info@sierranevada.ec

Every Sunday at the Mitad del Mundo complex, there are different cultural activities such as folkloric dances, local musicians, Ecuadorian gastronomy, and most of the 8 different types of museums are opened. Therefore, we recommend Sunday as the best day to visit it.

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