Tropical Withe Water Runs

Ecuador is now days considered being as a paradise for White Water rafting and Kayaking fans, in fact the country offers one of the word´s best conditions to practice and explore its tropical white waters and forest. Our rivers are born in the high Paramos of the Ecuadorian Andes flowing by the East towards the Amazon and by the West along the Tropical Forest towards the Pacific Ocean. Since1992 Sierra Nevada Expeditions began a series of Rivers explorations, that was the beginning of our commercial operations and now we are proud to be pioneers and one of the most reliable river rafting companies in Ecuador.

We invite you to join us in one of our weekly trips, one day trips or multi days trips, witness and be part of an exciting and action-packed adrenaline experience, The Cloud Forest, still unknown and untouched territory of evergreen rain forest.

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Toachi river

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Blanco river

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Jatun yacu river

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Quijos river

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Sierra Nevada